Medicine. Policy. Communication.
I combine fifteen years of practical experience as a family doctor and anesthetist with skilled leadership, advocacy, and strategic implementation.
I have published articles and op-eds in the CBC, the Toronto Star, the Huffington Post, the Medical Post, the Healthy Debate among others. Radio and television appearances include the Agenda, CBC MetroMorning, AM 640’s Maggie John, the Roy Green Show and Kelly Cutrara, Fight Back with Libby, The Current, CTV, Breakfast Television and other popular shows. I have presented before audiences as small as 12 and as large as 500 attendees. I have written and spoken about a number of policy issues including primary care, mental health, health system design and transformation, COVID-19, indigenous health, equity, diversity, burnout, pharmacare, organizational change and so on.
I am a mom of four. I’m a scrappy small-town doctor. I teach. I write. I study. I grow.
As I watched #BeALadyTheySaid by @CynthiaNixon, I thought:
“Be bold. Be badass. Be limitless. Be brave. Be more than anyone thinks you can be. Be above your naysayers. Be the voice you want to hear.
Be the light you want to see. Be magnificent.
Be yourself. Be all of yourself.
And use that strength, fire and fierceness in the service of others.
That’s what they should have said.”