I spoke up for mandatory masking by-laws in Halton. Here’s why…
#COVID19: Not an excuse for racism
My son and his friend were stopped one day by some kids who wanted to “test” them for Coronavirus because they were Chinese.
A few restaurants in downtown Toronto are now refusing to serve people who look Chinese. Across Ontario, comments are now made to kids who look Chinese that they should stop eating bats, that they are somehow dirty and should be quarantined. In Australia, patients will no longer shake the hands of a Chinese doctor.
This is racism triggered by fear of the coronavirus epidemic.
#VaccinesWork: A matter of life and death
A 7 week old baby nearly died in Brantford from whooping cough. Whooping cough is an avoidable illness. This little girl was just one week shy of her first round of immunizations.
If enough people had been vaccinated, she probably wouldn’t have gotten sick in the first place.
The internet and social media have democratized information in an extraordinary way. The downside to this has been the spread of misinformation, largely because posting on the internet does not require vetting or authorization or proof. This misinformation has led to many parents questioning the need for and the evidence behind vaccines.
Here are some facts…
When a headache isn't just a headache
iGen: Connected yet so very disconnected
Teens today are constantly plugged in and turned on for 6-10 hours a day on their smartphones, checking them hundreds to thousands of times a day. Most can’t go to sleep without it within arm’s reach.
It’s an addiction.
Teens today live two lives: the physical one seen in school and at home, and the virtual one on SnapChat and Instagram. This virtual life has transformed the teenage brain, and not for the better.